27 Gennaio 2020

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

This  research  focuses  on  the  development  of  an  integrated  framework  for  understanding  the dynamics of new firm formation and its effects on sustainable economic development. It includes several principal research lines.

New firms formation and the local eco-system

This line of research is dedicated to the analysis of the relationship between the features of local economic systems and the creation of innovative start-ups.

Particular attention is given to the role of the local context in the creation of new companies; the role of universities in promoting and  sustaining  entrepreneurial  activities;  the  contribution  of  entrepreneurial  activities  to sustainable  economic  development;  policy  measures  to  foster  entrepreneurial  growth  and economic development.

Innovative start-ups and strategic alliances

The  topics  explored  within  this  line  of  research  include:  the  impact  of  strategic  alliances  in sustaining  and  fostering  the  growth  and  competitiveness  of  new  innovative  firms;  the  role  of strategic  alliances  in  promoting  knowledge  and  technological  transfer;  investigation  of  the relationships between strategic alliances, knowledge acquisition and innovation.

Entrepreneurial teams and innovative start-up post-entry performance

This  research  line  aims  at  analyzing  the  determinants  of  innovative  start-ups  performances  by focusing on start-ups human, social and organizational capital. The topics explored within this line of  research  include:  relationship  between  entrepreneurs’  cognitive  characteristics, origin and contextual factors on the development and growth of new firms; analysis of the link between organizational capital and firm performance