Bureau of Research on Innovation Complexity and Knowledge

About Brick

Bureau of Reasearch on Innovation Complexity and Knowledge

The Laboratorio di Economia dell’Innovazione Franco Momigliano (LEI) was set up in 1992 as a University of Turin, Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis research unit. It was named after Professor Franco Momigliano, in memory of his pioneering work on the economics of technological change. Since 2008, LEI’s research activities have been organized within the new Bureau for Research in Innovation, Complexity and Knowledge (BRICK) at the Cognetti de Martiis department , eventually externally supported also by Collegio Carlo Alberto .

BRICK specializes in the economics and policy of the generation, introduction, imitation, adaptation, transfer and diffusion of new knowledge, innovation and technological change. Our focus currently embraces the determinants and the effects of technological change in firms, regions, industries and countries, including the economic analysis of such institutions as intellectual property rights, universities and public research centres.

BRICK’s headquarters are located at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis .

Research Areas

The Economics of Innovation and Productivity

This research focuses on the development of an integrated framework for understanding the economic determinants and effects of innovation and new technologies, at the firm, regional and country level.

Green Economy, Innovation and Technological Change

This strand of research focuses on the economic analysis of the transition to a green economy, stressing the role of innovation and technological change in favoring these dynamics.

Geography of Innovation

The research focuses on the spatial dimension of knowledge production and innovation dynamics. Main topics are smart specialization strategies, regional branching, heterogeneity in regions’ specializations and knowledge externalities.


This research focuses on the development of an integrated framework for understanding the dynamics of new firm formation and its effects on sustainable economic development.

The economics of knowledge

This research focuses on the development of an integrated framework for understanding the dynamics of the generation, dissemination and exploitation of technological knowledge and its effects on the growth of companies, regions and countries.


Our research analyses universities both as economic institutions. It studies the characteristics, determinants and specificities of the processes of knowledge transfer from universities to firms and other economic agents, at national, regional, and local level. It also analyses the dynamics of scientific production, in different socioeconomic and institutional contexts.

Migration and innovation

Research in this strand investigates the impact of migration flows on the structure of sectoral and technological specializations, as well as on innovation dymanics at the patent, firm and regional level.


This research is aimed at identifying, understanding and classifying the different ways firms innovate, distinguishing between internal and external sources. Special emphasis is put on understanding the multiple organizational forms involved in innovation and the problems encountered by economic agents and their organizations in acquiring and coordinating their innovative capabilities.


BRICK’s Fellows are researchers affiliated at the Department of
Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis, University of Torino.

Cristiano Antonelli

Cristiano Antonelli holds the chair of Political Economy of the University of Torino. He is Fellow of the Collegio Carlo Alberto.

Francesco Quatraro

Francesco Quatraro is full professor of Green Economy and Digital Technologies at the University of Torino, Department of Economics and Statistics. He is the Director of the PhD programme in Innovation for the Circular Economy. He is Carlo Alberto Affiliate.

Valeria Di Cosmo

BRICK Fellow
Valeria di Cosmo is a associate prof in applied economics. Her research interests include sustainable development, energy communities and business models for sustainable agriculture.

Stefano Dughera

BRICK Fellow
Stefano is assistant professor (tenure track) ef economics @UniTO. His research interests concern labor economics, innovation and insititutions

Fabrizio Fusillo

BRICK Fellow
Fabrizio Fusillo is Assistant Professor fellow at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis and affiliate at the ESSEC Business School, France.

Gianluca Orsatti

BRICK Fellow
Gianluca Orsatti is Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis and affiliate to the GREThA, University of Bordeaux.

Paola Pisano

BRICK Fellow
Paola is associate professor of business economics at UniTO. Her research interests focus on the impact of AI and digital technologies on the society.

Alessandra Scandura

BRICK Fellow
Alessandra Scandura is associate professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis.

Pier Paolo Patrucco

BRICK Fellow
Pier Paolo Patrucco is Associate Professor of Economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Torino

BRICK’s Affiliates are researchers affiliated
at other departments or institutions.

Alessandra Colombelli

BRICK Affiliate
Alessandra Colombelli is associate professor at the Polytechnic of Turin, where she is Head of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center

Davide Consoli

BRICK Affiliate
Davide Consoli (MA, PhD) is Research Fellow at the National Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) in Valencia (Spain). An economist by training, Dr. Consoli is interested in issues at the intersection of economics of innovation and technology policy. His research focuses on the development of new technology and the generation and diffusion of knowledge.

Francesco Crespi

BRICK Affiliate
Francesco Crespi is Professor at the Department of Economics of Roma Tre University, where he holds the chair of Corporate and Innovation Policy and the chair of Public Finance. His research interests focus on the analysis of the economics of innovation and technology policy. He is currently working on the impact evaluation of R&D public subsidies and innovation procurement, the economic analysis of environmental and energy technologies and the transformative role of digital technologies.

Claudio Fassio

BRICK Affiliate
Claudio Fassio is a senior lecturer at the Department of Business Administration and research fellow at CIRCLE, University of Lund, Sweden. Claudio earned is Ph.D. at the Department of Economics “Cognetti de Martiis” of the University of Turin. His research interests are in the interplay between innovation and internationalization activities of multinational firms, the international careers of talents and their impact on innovation, as well as the interactions between academic researchers and industrial inventors.

Christophe Feder

BRICK Affiliate
Christophe Feder is Post Doc fellow at the Department of Economics and Public Policy and affiliate to the CT-TEM, University of Aosta Valley. His research interests include technological change, development, and political economy

Claudia Ghisetti

BRICK Affiliate
Claudia GHISETTI is Assistant Professor of Economics at the Catholic University in Milan, where she teaches Microeconomics and Open innovation and Project financing.

Jackie Krafft

BRICK Affiliate
Jackie Krafft is a French economist (CNRS Research Professor at Université Côte d’Azur). Her main research topics are Knowledge and innovation; Firms and markets; Industrial dynamics and European political economy

Alba Marino

BRICK Affiliate
Alba Marino is Post Doc fellow at the Department of Economics and Statistics Cognetti de Martiis.

Fabio Montobbio

BRICK Affiliate
Fabio is Professor of Economics at the Dept. of Economic Policy, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. His research interests are in the field of economics of innovation extend to the economics of patents, university technology transfer, the new economics of science and, finally, technology and development.

Michele Pezzoni

BRICK Affiliate
I am currently Maitre de Conférences at Université Côte d’Azur, Délégué Scientifique at Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques. My main research interest concerns the micro-dynamics of knowledge production in science and technology. I am interested in the empirical analysis of the determinants of researchers’ productivity, careers, teaching quality, and propensity to engage in technology transfer activities. I am also interested in investigating how novel technologies originate, diffuse, and shape industries.

Federica Rossi

BRICK Affiliate
Federica is Senior Lecturer in Business Economics at Birkbeck, University of London. Her research interests are in the fields of science and technology policy, economics and management of intellectual property rights, innovation activities of firms and networks of firms, economics and governance of higher education.

Giuseppe Scellato

BRICK Affiliate
Giuseppe Scellato is Full Professor at the Department of Management and Production Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, where he teaches Corporate Finance and Economics and Management of Innovation. His research interests are in the areas of entrepreneurship, venture capital markets and the financing of innovation, management of intellectual property rights and economics of science.

Matteo Tubiana

BRICK Affiliate
Matteo Tubiana is a post-doc researcher at the University of Bergamo, Italy. His research activities range from the dynamics of knowledge creation (particularly on the role of interactions and on the relationship with productivity and wellbeing) to the impact of technological change on the labour market, with a specific focus on the role of skills, tasks and organizational routines.

Elisa Ughetto

BRICK Affiliate
Elisa Ughetto (Ph.D) is an Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, where she teaches Accounting and Corporate Finance and Entrepreneurial Finance at undergraduate level.

Fabiana Visentin

BRICK Affiliate
She is currently Assistant Professor in Economics of Innovation at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University, in the Netherlands. She received her Ph.D. degree in Economics and Organization from the Advanced School of Economics of Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, Italy. Her research interests focus on the microeconomics of innovation and the economics of science area.

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