Jackie Krafft is a French economist (CNRS Research Professor at Université Côte d’Azur) recognized among the Top 3% women economists (last 10 years, worldwide, Repec July 2020, rank 498/15012). She is working in a multi-disciplinary research institute (CNRS GREDEG) regrouping economics, law and management, where she co-leads a group of permanent and non-permanent research staff, and acts as PI of a H2020 project (IRIS Smart Cities). She holds a Phd from the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, as well as an Habilitation from this University. She has taught classes in economics of competition, dynamics of innovative industries, as well as microeconomics and macroeconomics. She has coordinated number of research projects at the national and international level. She has published articles in a wide range of top academic journals, like Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Small Business Economics Journal, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics. She is at the origins of the research network ‘Eurkind’ analysing how knowledge, innovation and development should articulate for a better society in Europe. She is chair of the scientific committee of the international conference Governance of a Complex World (GCW), and of the summerschool Knowledge Innovation and Development (KID, Thematic School CNRS InSHS and UCAJEDI International summerschool). Given her expertise in the field of innovation, she has been involved in the EUR (Ecoles Universitaires de Recherche) Economics Law and Management of Innovation supported by UCA (AAP PIA3). She is or has been expert for several research institutions and related programmes, like EU H2020, European Science Foundation, Swiss National Science Foundation, MIUR, ANVUR, ISRF, HCERES, ANR, Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique.
Her main research topics are Knowledge and innovation (patents and intellectual property rights, research and development, university-industry relationship, organizational and environmental innovations); Firms and markets (industrial organization, competition and regulation, corporate governance); Industrial dynamics (complex networks of innovation, industrial demography, growth and localization of firms, business history); European political economy (innovation, competition, globalization, growth).